Ishaisms, Poetry

The Boatman Series (3) – The Boatman and the Moneylender

Starless winter night, the cold, dark waters,
the Boatman comes to ferry the midnight travellers;
then jumps out upon that same old harbour,
leaving the lonely boat unanchored…

Of the story he has now much gathered,
from the traveller, the mother and a boat ride he vaguely remembers.
Entranced, he walks up to the last house by the river,
and spotting the fence, does stealthily climb over.

He knows not how he came upon the silver dagger,
yet ever since he’s had it – all he thinks of is slaughter.
Whether it’s his spirit spurring him on, or some other’s,
he is ready to finish this story – one way or another.
Sprawled on the redwood porch, snores the drunk money lending miser,
and the Boatman advances toward him in sin, unafraid of hellfire…

© Isha Garg

89 thoughts on “The Boatman Series (3) – The Boatman and the Moneylender”

    1. Haha, thank you for following the story Drew! Your comment certainly means a lot. I don’t want to let go of the story, I must confess… Maybe someday it’ll want to continue through me again. Till then I shall stay motivated with your words. 😉 Thank-you!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What a great turn of events in this ever intriguing yet poetic story, the silver dagger has a story of its own, or maybe it carries the burden of the last owners story till new blood is drawn. My imagination as you can clearly see is towards gore, you on the other hand, kindred soul that you are, think of correcting the wrongs. This part offers more than a hint of eventual justice, a concept that runs through the veins of nice people.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your much awaited (and anticipated) comment is everything…and more! No more biting of nails and losing sleep over whether I had done justice to the followed follower’s request 😛 I am so glad you liked it… Read your comment thrice, it’s so good. Thank-you ESP, both for the challenge and the appreciation! 😇


      1. Your work deserves all that it gets in appreciation, btw I am deeply honored and also feeling good since I know my requests are not taken lightly, maybe I should ask for more

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It was the least I could do after ruining your WP break. Haha. Also, I really wanted to write more on this.
        Your request was the trigger,
        for something better –
        not just a sequel, but a trilogy
        of the Boatman and the Traveller.


      3. and what a lovely break from the intended break did you provide ❤️
        This story, on the other hand must go on, you might even try writing in prose, there is much to explore given the background you have intricately carved out in the trilogy.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you ESP. Do you really think so? What if the prose ruins the poetry? Maybe I’ll give it a try though. Have already written part 4 and 5 in verse. 😀


      5. Ah.. already, the followed is two, no 4 and 5 steps ahead of the follower..please do publish. We care about the words coming out of the light of Ishaisms..don’t care in what form.
        I do believe you have a flair for writing prose, the marks of a storyteller.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Oh I’ve written short stories but I feel the drama (j***) is preserved in poetry here. I’m so glad you goaded me on to continue this. 😇


  2. Ah ….a tale that was planned to be brief but continued with a strong pulse! The author could not suffocate such a story and was able to revive her creation over and again.
    I cheer from the sidelines… your story telling is gentle and intriguing. Well, s gentle as a “dagger” allows 😊💕🌹🌹

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      1. If Diana and ESP are in the sidelines, I don’t think I’d like the front row. I’d rather join the ‘great company’ and read the story that we all had a part in reviving. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Read all the three parts.😀
    I must say your story telling skills are perfect, and turning a story into a poetry is a difficult thing. But you manage to pull of this every single time and weave words so intricately. Your creativity is par excellence.💖
    Awaiting the other parts, my eyes on the silver dagger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank-you so much, Sameera! 😀 I love stories, fiction, escaping, creating settings… It’s so thrilling to me. Haha. I adore your comment. I hope I can keep up well with this one. Will be posting the 4th part soon. Thank you again ❤❤

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      1. It is a beautiful dwelling indeed, which you embellish with divine phrases! I reside there too, occasionally, when I’m in a less adventurous mood! Thank-you ❤


      2. Oh God, I’m going to watch this movie today. First with the Sirius Black references, now with Hogsmeade… You are up to no good for me, but some good for yourself, I grant you that. Lovely conversing today, Sameera! May the poetic bug keep pestering you until you lay her to rest in words!


      3. Siriusly😀 I am going to watch the movie as well.
        I am done with one poem. Will post soon.❤️
        Thank you Isha for such lovely conversation. I adore you, your words and your essence equally.🌼

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    1. Thank you Sakshi.. This is a much loved series that started as a poem in February, and has 5 parts (as of now). I’m reposting it for the month of Halloween. Glad that my new reader loved it 😊❤🙏


    1. Hi Ankit. So glad you found your way to this series. It’s been such a pleasure to write it. I posted the finale (9th part) a while ago. Thank you very much for reading and leaving your words here 😊

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  4. Ah the dagger seeks blood for it’s silvery sharpness was conjured to taste blood and it will leave the bearer helpless! There is a Lord of the Ring feeling to it, ‘one ring to rule them all’

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